Customer Retention

Customer Retention

With the mission to help brands earn top-of-the-line customer experience, Yotpo is a platform known for its advanced solutions.



The tools the company offers are specifically for SMS marketing, reviews, loyalty & referrals, and visual UGC. And we found three articles that will equip you with knowledge you need to reach maximum Customer Retention:


Why SMS & Loyalty Should Drive Your Retention Strategy 


SMS may not be your first choice when it comes to advertising. However, this article will definitely convince you to apply the strategy. Here, you can learn about using incentives, planning the perfect timing, and more to earn customer loyalty through SMS. Learn more HERE. 


10 Secrets to Growing Repeat Customers 


Loyal customers are what keeps businesses alive. With that in mind, this article lists ways to acquire repeat customers by guiding them in finding the perfect product, practicing excellent customer service, offering incentives, and more. Learn more HERE.


Boost Loyalty Engagement with Advanced Campaign Scheduling 


Managing a business in a fast-changing world will require you to take calculated steps. And to keep up with this pace, you need to consider using Yotpo’s Campaign Schedule feature, which was structured to oversee your loyalty program. The article gives out details about this feature, how it can promote customer loyalty, and more. Learn more HERE. 


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