5 Reasons Why You Should Hire Filipino Talents from Onlinejobs.ph

5 Reasons Why You Should Hire Filipino Talents from Onlinejobs.ph

You probably heard about the work ethics of Filipino workers, or you might have experienced working with one.

And just like most people, I bet you are also impressed with how Filipinos are quite the hard workers willing to do any tasks you throw their way.

That is why it is no wonder Filipinos have become highly sought-after employees worldwide.

Luckily enough, working with such dedicated individuals has become easier and accessible with the birth of Onlinejobs.ph –the leading online job marketplace based in the Philippines.

If you are still in the process of deciding whether to jump into the bandwagon and hire a Filipino talent, below are five reasons why you should go on with your plan and do it through Onlinejobs.ph.


Work Ethics and Dedication

Whether it's a part-time, full-time, or freelance job, Filipinos are known to get things done at the best quality possible. You will rarely hear them complain about their assigned task –they will dedicate their time and effort to doing it instead. And there's no need to worry about them working long hours, for they see this as an opportunity to improve their skills. With this level of dedication, what else could you ask for from a worker?

But how do I know that they are genuinely dedicated to the job?

As an employer, Onlinejobs.ph gives you access to dig a little deeper and do a background check of all your applicants. Its algorithm will show you the linked email and social media accounts of the job seekers, and it can even detect if they have another Onlinejobs account. Even better, you can track how many job applications they send every day, so if you hired them full-time and you noticed that they are still sending emails, then there's your way of measuring their dedication.

Communication Style

Once you outsource a Filipino talent, prepare yourself to be called "Sir," "Ma'am," or "Boss" all the time. Even if your means of communication is only through a computer screen, Filipinos have their way of showing you their utmost respect. I know you are not used to the honorifics, but isn't it also kind of great to be reminded that you are THE boss? Well, you get what I mean here.

How about our differences in language?

Well, if you're worried about how good they are at communicating in English, there's no need for that. Filipinos are fluent English speakers, and they can pretty much communicate with international clients.

Wondering how you can test your potential applicant's English proficiency?

Onlinejobs.ph requires its jobseekers to take three tests: IQ, Aptitude, and English Proficiency. So, if you like to know how well they can converse in English, you can look at their test result uploaded to the platform.


One of the nightmares you have to look out for once you hire a worker online is getting scammed by dishonest people who took advantage of freelancing platforms to con entrepreneurs. You might have read reviews about incidents like this.

However, Filipinos are known for their honesty. Therefore, if they find themselves in a situation where they don't have the slightest idea what to do, expect them to tell you that blatantly. Instead of going around in circles and ending up delivering poor quality output, they will tell you that they need guidance or that they're still learning the ropes on how to get things done just the way you wanted them.

However, this is not a complete guarantee of not getting scammed. It will help if you keep your guards up and constantly check your worker's progress.

Is there a way for me to keep track of their progress?

No worries, eTimeProof, Onlinejobs.ph's official time tracking software, got your back.

With eTimeProof, you can easily track your employee's work time, and it even takes screenshots periodically while working so, there's no need for guesswork.

Now, even if you're on the other side of the world, you get to keep track of your employee's progress regularly.

Stellar Skills

You might have heard of "world-class talents," and not to brag but, Filipinos are renowned for possessing such stellar skills. From data entry, sales copywriting, logo creation, and video animation to social media management, digital marketing, keyword optimization, web development, and more, the Philippines have the right workers with the expertise you need.

Whether you need help with administrative tasks or complicated ones, Filipino workers can help you get things done in quick turnarounds with their top-level skill set.

In what way can I assess their skills?

Onlinejobs.ph requires all its job seekers to rate their skills upon setting up their profiles. So, as an employer, you can easily filter out applicants who do not meet your skill requirements.

Plus, there's the ID Proof feature, too! Although it does not directly connect to job seekers' skills, you can filter out applicants through their ID Proof. With this, you can be confident that your vetted applicants can be trusted, especially those with high ID Proofs.



The Philippines is not only a popular tourist destination but, it is also one of the top outsourcing destinations in the world. When it comes to hiring talents from other countries, major cities in the Philippines, Manila, Cebu, and Davao, are consistently included at the top of the list.

Aside from the reasons mentioned above, international businesses outsource talents from the Philippines because it is cost-effective –you get to receive quality output on time while saving money and time from hiring an in-house employee. For an entrepreneur whose time and money are too precious to be wasted, isn't this set up working in your favor?

Can I set a budget for the job?

Of course!

Upon publishing your job posting, you can specify the salary rate job seekers can expect from working with your full-time, part-time, or freelance. This way, you get to attract only those who agree with your terms and fees. And again, you are saving more time in the hiring process.

In a nutshell… 

If you plan to outsource talents, consider Filipino professionals to help you get things done, and Onlinejobs.ph is a place to look for.

All you need to do is to vet the most suitable applicant and utilize Onlinejob.ph’s features to your advantage.

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