Mini Trash Can For Cars

Mini Trash Can For Cars



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Whether we admit it or not, we sometimes get lazy to dispose of our trash correctly when we are inside the car. Most of the time, we set aside small wastes like receipts, straws, and candy wrappers, not thinking that they slowly accumulate and before you know it, you have a pile of garbage under the seats.  

The solution to this is purchasing a trash can that won’t take too much space inside your vehicle. With this, you won’t have to worry about stepping on gum or discovering a week-long snack under your seat. 

Google Trends: Top 5 States Where This Product is Trending


  1. California 
  2. Illinois 
  3. New Jersey 
  4. Texas 
  5. Pennsylvania 

How to market: 


Show the drastic difference of the inside of the car with and without a mini trash can. The first scene may portray a very messy and unorganized car, where the driver cannot find his things among the pile of dirt. Once he gets a hold of a mini trash can, the car becomes more decent, and he has no trouble cleaning his vehicle. 

You can also market the product by showing how a wife lost her ring inside her husband’s car, and the couple gets upset because they couldn’t find it due to how unorganized and messy the vehicle is. 

You can buy this product HERE
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