

The search is over for the perfect item because from accessories to swimwear to wings, Oberlo has countless products you can choose from to sell through your online store. 

Contents of the Article: 


  • What is Oberlo? 
  • How does Oberlo work? 



What is Oberlo? 


Built for Shopify users, Oberlo is the perfect avenue to discover items you can add to your online store; the categories are insanely endless. But the company is not only about the unlimited supply of products to select from.

Oberlo also offers business ideas, case studies, courses, stories about entrepreneurs, and free business tools. With that, we can say that Oberlo has everything you need to start your business from scratch.

How does Oberlo work? 


Oberlo's primary function is to carry out dropshipping transactions. This essentially means that the company provides sellers with products for their online stores and delivers them.

Basically, they supply the stores, the entrepreneurs do the selling, and Oberlo deals with the inventory.  Furthermore, to be a part of Oberlo, you can choose from the following plans:


Free Plan

    The good news is, sellers can join for free. And once you become a member of Oberlo, you have access to millions of products and the permission to add them to your online store. After which, all you need to do is market and advertise your products.  

    Grad Plan

      This plan includes relevant courses, exclusive coaching, and reports that will be useful in your business. 

      Boss Plan

        Lastly, this plan offers game-changing eCommerce tools that will boost your business to another level.  


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