With the right virtual assistant by your side, you can boost the quality of your work, ease your operations, and make your Amazon business grow faster.
You already know how much work is required on a daily, monthly, and ongoing basis to keep things running well when selling products through Amazon FBA.
You'll also be expected to work every day of the entire year and will be restricted or limited in your vacation time.
So as a successful Amazon seller, why shouldn't you hire Amazon Vas?
It's time to hire an Amazon virtual assistant. An important part of being an employer is being able to give jobs to VAs.
A Virtual Assistant is a remote worker who may help you with a number of responsibilities, from bookkeeping and administrative work to marketing and social media management.
For example, both assistants can keep track of your schedule and meetings, create documents, enter data, answer your emails, and help with other business tasks.
So if you want specific jobs done, like writing content for your website, you'll have to pay more. Instead of training a generalist to do certain tasks, it can often be worth the extra money to hire an expert virtual assistant instead.
Here is a list of 10 Amazon FBA jobs that are perfect for hiring Amazon Virtual assistants to handle.
1. Amazon PPC (Pay Per Click) - Pay-per-click marketing on Amazon needs to be constantly checked and improved.
A virtual assistant with experience in advertising on Amazon can help get your goods in front of more people who might buy them.
2. Inventory Management - In order to guarantee that products are in stock and are delivered to Amazon warehouses in a timely manner, Amazon FBA needs ongoing inventory management to be performed.
3. Customer Service - You should not have to respond immediately to inquiries, refunds, and exchanges from customers.
You can hire a virtual assistant or a team of freelancers, to handle customer service to ensure that your clients are satisfied and their problems are answered quickly.
4. Management of Orders - Even though managing Amazon FBA orders is a rather simple procedure, having a freelancer in place to make sure that it continues that way is yet another reassurance for your company.
5. Pictures of Products - Having a collection of high-quality photographs of the product is crucial for making a sale.
Customers are interested in both detailed product information and hands-on demonstrations.
A virtual assistant with photo editing skills can snap pictures of products and edit them to emphasize their best qualities.
6. SEO - Getting your products to the top of Amazon's search results takes a unique blend of copywriting, salesmanship, and keyword analysis.
Constant monitoring and adjustment of SEO metrics is also key to success.
A virtual assistant might be hired to monitor and enhance listing SEO while you focus on other things and may forget to check in as often as you should.
7. Optimization of Product Listings - Product listings that perform well in search engine results and convince buyers to make a purchase take time and expertise to create.
Images, features, descriptions, and dozens of other pieces of information all need to be perfected. To say nothing of adjusting for unknowns.
A virtual assistant that specializes in listing optimization would be ideal to hire for this job.
8. Connections with Suppliers - Whether you have one supplier or ten, coordinating your time with each one takes effort.
You need to discuss defects, organize shipments, and oversee quality control.
A consultant specializing in supplier relations can handle negotiations, monitor the market, and report only on matters that have a major impact.
9. Amazon Setup - The dashboard for Amazon Seller Central contains a lot of different twists and complexities.
You can save yourself time and hassle by giving the task of account administration and setup to a freelancer who has experience working with the platform.
10. Purchasing Products - You are well aware of how time-consuming it is to search for suitable products, manufacturers, and suppliers.
Many Amazon FBA sellers save time by using a freelancer to handle product sourcing-related research and communication.
You can make a list of the features you're looking for in a product and then have a freelancer perform the research.
We also suggest that you read How Amazon FBA Makes Your Business Journey a Success to Grow Your Business.
You can either use a recruitment service/agency or hire someone yourself once you've identified the type of VA you require for the FBA tasks you want to outsource.
There are a lot of companies that help people find jobs, but you have to pay for their services. If you can't afford to spend a lot of money right now, you could post job ads on online job boards and work markets like Upwork, OnlineJobs.ph, Fiver, and Freelancer.com.
Many platforms are free unless you want your job posting to be at the top of the news feed or you want easy access to top talent.
Once proposals start coming in, you should look over them carefully and then ask the candidates who made the cut for a Skype or Zoom interview.
Lastly, give the candidate you picked a test to see if they are right for the job.
Pro Tip: Ask candidates to provide a screenshot of their internet speed test and/or their city and country in their cover letter at the bottom of your job posting. By screening away submissions without this information, you may readily identify those without attention to detail.
If you've never hired anyone before, we’ve compiled five reasons why you should hire Filipinos from Online jobs.ph.
Help your VAs do their job well
Virtual assistants have perks and cons, like anything else. It's common to struggle at first when switching from being a one-person team to outsourcing administrative tasks.
Communication - Communication affects VA performance. VAs may make mistakes due to poor communication. How you and your VA communicate and how often are crucial when setting standard communication practices.
Productivity - Virtual workers are more productive than in-office ones. However, they work longer hours and don't prioritize work-life balance. Use productivity tools to help your VAs manage their time and organize weekly meetings to discuss projects and performance.
Time difference - It's likely that your VA lives on the other side of the world, 12 to 13 hours ahead. VAs must shift their biological clock to a different time zone, which can affect their effectiveness if they aren't flexible.
Outsource Now!
As a business owner, the last thing you want is to be stuck doing a lot of work that doesn't make you money. An Amazon virtual assistant makes your FBA tasks easier by helping you handle your Amazon FBA account and the tasks that go with it. This frees up your time and energy to focus on activities that make you money.
Look at the candidate's applicable skills, experience, and expertise to find the best Amazon VA for your business.
Your time in reading this is really appreciated, and we sincerely hope that we were able to enlighten you with the Top 10 Amazon Seller FBA Tasks to Outsource to a Virtual Assistant. If you like this blog, you may also enjoy the content at selleruniverse.com, which focuses on e-commerce and business. If you haven't already, sign up for our newsletter. Also, make sure you subscribe to our newsletter.